When Does Learning Become Active ?

We discussed about active learning. This group is really bi-polar! we have adult theorists peddling their snake oils on one side ; On the other side We have “don’t fix it if its not broken” group who truly believe nothing is wrong with the current pervasive teaching model. sprinkle little bit of F@#K and Sh!t ! we have an explosive class. I Love it!

  • Buzz in the class room – check
  • You see people are excited  – check
  • They work in small groups – check
  • Have you used at least 3 gimmicks for today’s class – check

Is this active learning?

I want to look at When does learning becomes active rather than what active learning looks like.

My take is that the only person who knows if  she learned anything is the student herself. Why is active learning talked about from the teacher’s point of view?

I believe Learning becomes active when you call upon what you learned to address the problem at hand.  I believe this can be the yardstick for all types of subject matter; not just to skill based subjects.

I agree with Laura that life does not give you a canned quiz every Friday. However life chooses to quiz you constantly,randomly,creatively 24×7.

Go activate your learning in the real world and remember your class room is part of the real world too!

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